The proposal for a focused symposium at the World Physiotherapy Congress 2025 has been accepted

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International conference Frailty and Geriatric Assesments, 18th – 19th February 2025, Colombo, Sri Lanka

Add more value to your research findings by sharing them with other experts in geriatric health care science Contact: Conference Homepage:
Project Partnership Meeting 17th February 2025, Colombo, Sri Lanka

Main goal of the meeting is to discuss the current progress of WP3 and WP4, to evaluate the quality of management and dissemination activities, and to share the upcoming project tasks and responsibilities. CAPAGE International Conference on Frailty and Geriatric Assessments is held at Faculty of Medicine, University of Colombo, Sri Lanka. The international conference […]
International project meeting and workshop 30th September – 4th October, Porto, Portugal

The meeting was held at the Santa Maria School of Health and attended by 30 participants. Innovative didactic methods and contents focused on Healthy Aging and Geriatrics were presented and discussed. Course contents, teaching methods, and structural frameworks necessary for the development of the academic courses were identified. In addition to the intensive academic […]
Kick-Off Event 19th – 23rd February 2024, Peradeniya, Sri Lanka

The Kick-Off event of the CAPAGE ‘Promoting academic and professional excellence in healthcare to meet the challenges of aging in Sri Lanka’ project co-funded by the ERASMUS+ was held from 19th to 23rd February 2024 in the Oak Ray Regency Hotel, Gatambe. It was hosted by the University of Peradeniya and the inauguration ceremony was […]